Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mid week mini blog: The Leaking Coffee Pot

Okay, this blog is about me venting... I don't think that I can even pretend that it has anything to do with health and diet, although a case could me made for the causes of "stress eating"! Please understand that this entire fiasco is MY HUSBAND'S FAULT!!!!
I went and got groceries this morning, a load of them. My kitchen did not have a spare inch of counter showing (admittedly I am not the best house keeper in the world) so where to put them was a dilemma. I decided that since it is quite cold out, that I would leave them in my car and clean up the kitchen before I brought them in.
My husband, who is madly adicted to caffeine, has a leaky coffee pot. We have argued over the damn thing because he says "we can just order an o ring and fix it." I, who have lived for three years with a one burner stove ("we can just order a new plug and fix it!") have said... "JUST BUY A NEW COFFEE POT!!!" Now, in my quest for kitchen counter space, I picked up a bag of pancake mix (my daughter suddenly wants them every morning and since I have a hard time getting her to eat, I comply) and head for the pantry with it. Just as I reach the doors the soggy, coffee dripping bottom blows out and I have a cloud of pancake mix covering me and the floor! I'm not going to lie, the f bombs were flying! I got the broom and dust pan and started sweeping up the mess. With every lift of the broom more little clouds stirred up, spreading the mess further and further. Finally I got the powder swept up, and with the broom hovering over the dust pan, got out the front door and to the trash can.

Returning to the kitchen cleaning production, I was emptying the dishwasher when it hit me. I smelled dog shit. Now we have a most beloved dog who is 15 years old and frankly quite senile. He is also incontinent. "Damn it Ranger!" I yelled and started searching for the giant pile of poo that I knew he had left for me. I looked all over the upstairs... dining room, familyroom, office... and nothing. I returned to my task and thought, "I know I smell dog shit!" Well guess what? I was packing an entire turd on the bottom of my shoe that the old boy had left on the deck, which I had now stomped all over the entire upstairs of my house!!! SHIIIITTTTT!!!!
I am going to kick my husband tonight, then I am going to take him shopping for a new damn coffee pot!


  1. OMG Catherine - you crack me up. If anyone has Rick's cell number they might want to call and warn him...

  2. Thank you for reminding me that my day isn't going all that bad after all... :)

  3. Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog. I presented you with an award that can be received here . Thanks for a nice blog.

  4. I'm glad that Bendigo recommended this site. I love it. I've been trying to lose 20 pounds for 50 years (ridiculous, huh?). Anyway, I thought I would take pictures of all the food I ate. Son borrowed my camera and the diet went to hell. I'm lost in a sea of diet overload. Your blog brings some much needed dietary comic relief. Perhaps tonight I'll just take a couple of exlax.
    a new follower ...Jan

  5. Me again -- I have to confess that I'm writing this as I eat a can of cashews while drinking a lite Coors beer. It sucks. I know.

  6. least it's a lite coors :)

  7. I think that you should buy the new Coffee pot instead of fixing the old one. I hope you understand.
