Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Friday, January 28, 2011
New Year's New Resolution!
Okay, so every week I get this report on my blog, telling me how many people have visited it that week. Naturally it has dribbled down to just one or two people a day. For God’s sake, I don’t even deserve that much activity since I haven’t blogged in a year! In fact, I have been astounded, maybe even embarrassed, that even this trickle of activity still perseveres! I’m sure that anybody bored enough to think about why I dropped off of the blogosphere has figured out, and quite correctly… that I have… gulp…. gained back some weight. SHIT! In my defense (and don’t I always provide myself with one of those?) it has been a tough year! My husband is in the building trades. Not a great year for those guys! Our income dropped by, oh about 45% this year. A person I am very close to went through a long, drawn out diagnosis of something scary and another person I love has entered the final stages of old age. I don’t know if you have ever had to help someone in that stage of life but… damn, hard process to go through. It all reminds me of a doctor, whom I mentioned in an earlier blog, that explained to me (slowly so I could understand) in an amazingly monotone voice that there was something called “stress eating…” He was lucky I didn’t “stress eat” his head right off of his scrawny neck! Well, you know the drill…. Food equates to comfort in times of stress (this is my explanation, not the doctors) and the more comforting the food… the better the stress relief, right? Mind you, I didn’t just canon ball off of the wagon. I can tell you with a righteous heart that I still haven’t touched a doughnut! But… I did wade a bit into the empty carbs family! THEN (oh yes it gets worse!) my daughter turned 16. She made my husband and me promise her… all summer long… that when her birthday came at the end of September we would quit smoking. Ah geez. I think I can tell you truthfully that as of October, I did just cannon ball off of the wagon! About the only thing I haven’t touched is a doughnut! If you think that poverty and the ill health of beloved family members were adequate self excuses for “stress eating…”, sister (or brother) you have never quit smoking!
So what was your New Year’s resolution this year? Wait, wait… let me guess. Were you going to eat right and exercise everyday? ME TOO!!!!! The problem is, “eating right” doesn’t make me actually lose weight. Exercise helps, that’s for sure, but I really have to make an effort beyond that if I want to return to losing weight… and I do. So…. Here’s my plan. I keep talking about the shopping/cooking/eating plan that I wrote and want to market some day. Starting February 1, I am going to live by that month long program. I’m going to see how the shopping lists work. I’m going to update some of the recipes which I will happily share with you. I’ll let you know how it’s going and if I am losing weight. If, throughout this process any of you would like to give me suggestions, or answers to questions I might ask, I will really appreciate the feedback.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I'm beginning to see pattern here!
So, how did I get off track? Well, for one thing (the first pattern) I had become complacent! I didn't have to think about what I was doing so much because making healthier choices had become habit (that takes about 6 or 7 months). By not making conscious decisions I started a slow slide down a slippery slope. In the winter it is harder to drink the mass amount of water that I have learned is essential to my weight loss. When it's hot, you don't have to think about grabbing and guzzling water all the time. I wasn't even aware of the fact that my water consumption had been cut in half! It's harder to get out and exercise in the winter. That natural energy you get from a beautiful sunny day is a lot harder to muster when it's freezing cold, wet and dark outside. You have to make the decision EVERY G D DAY!!!
I was eating healthier foods, by habit, but because I wasn't thinking about what I was doing... my portions were getting bigger. I'd miss my mid afternoon or mid morning snack and make up for it by increasing the size of my main meals. Not such a good idea! Okay, so healthy habits are a beneficial lifestyle change, but I realize now that I can't just develop them, then take them for granted. I still have to be a conscientious decision maker!
My second pattern was more deliberate, but no less debilitating. When I started this "journey" there were certain foods that I just cut out of my life. That has worked out great. I know that I am not great with moderation. But of late, I have re explored my boundaries! There are very few food items that I have missed, since I have quit eating them entirely. One thing I have missed is pizza. Another is just a simple sandwich. AHA! Another pattern... what I was missing was the bread! (that evil saboteur of weight loss!) I thought to myself... "you are great with coming up with healthier substitutes for fatty foods, why not this too?" Why not indeed? And believe me... I did! I discovered those "thin buns" that a few bread companies are making now... multi grain and whole wheat, that are low calorie (100 calories for an entire bun) and even low sodium (from one manufacturer). So I made a pizza substitute that is outrageously good and about 150 calories per mini pizza. Sounds great, right? I also used these amazing buns to make delicious sandwiches. Simple, wholesome, mayonnaise free sandwiches that tasted like friggen heaven to me! Here is where the problem began.... I started out justifying the addition of these foods by telling myself, "hell, once a month, what could it hurt?" In truth, that would probably be fine! But it quickly morphed into once a week! And let me tell you, once I had those delicious little buns in my pantry, calling to me... it was no time before my justification turned into, "alright, no more than once a day!" As I said earlier, I am not good with moderation! The good news is, once I have reached weight loss maintenance, I can have these food items... if not once a day, probably a couple of times a week. The bad news is pretty obvious... right now I need to avoid having them in my pantry!
So what have I learned? That I can't take good habits for granted, any more than I can ignore bad habits. I have to make healthful eating a conscious decision making process everyday!! I have also learned that I still stink at moderation and for the time being, I need to not have certain foods in my house! (Funny, I can stock some crap for my husband and kids and not be tempted, but I need to recognize the ones I can't resist.) And what have you learned? Well, you're about to learn how to make delicious skinny pizzas! Let's see if you can handle this potentially dangerous information better than I did! (I know, I'm evil!)
Skinny Pizzas for 4
6 Thin Buns (I like multi grain, and look for the brand that is lower sodium)
1 can Tomato puree (thinner than paste, less sodium than sauce)
1 or 2 Tbls Balsamic vinegar
1 Tbls Splenda or sugar substitute
4 or 5 cloves of garlic
1 Tbls Italian seasoning, salt free
Freshly shredded Parmesan cheese
1 package frozen artichoke hearts, thawed and cut into bite size bits
1/2 red or sweet onion, diced
1 pound low fat turkey sausage (I like Honeysuckle White breakfast sausage)
Spray oil
Preheat you oven to 350. Spray two cookie sheets with oil, split the Thin Buns and place them face down, and lying flat, on the cookie sheet. Place them in the oven for about 10 minutes, until the bottom is a toasty, golden color. this is important because toasting the buns keeps them from getting soggy from the pizza sauce.
Blend together the tomato puree, Balsamic, Splenda, garlic and Italian seasoning. I use the immersion blender I got for Christmas, my absolute favorite kitchen gadget. If you aren't using a blender, put the garlic through a press.
In a hot skillet saute the artichoke hearts and onions (use spray oil or a
tbls of olive oil) until they start to brown a bit. Add in the turkey sausage, crumbled, and cook through.
Once your buns are out of the oven, flip them face side up and spread sauce on each of them. Top the sauce with 1 TABLESPOON of the shredded Parmesan. You honestly don't need more than that! Now split the turkey, onion, artichoke mixture evenly over all of the buns. Place them back in the oven for about 10 or 15 minutes. We like to put a few drops of green Tabasco sauce on them before eating them, but that's just a matter of preference. Honestly... these babies are Holy Cow good! I figure them at about 150 calories each... so eat a couple, even three if you're in a piggy mood! (See, there goes my moderation issues again!) But REMEMBER!!! Only once a month! At most, just once a week! Certainly no more than once a day!!!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A Bit on The Side...
Wasabi Mashed Potatoes
(note: yes I know that some of you are put off by the wasabi... "it's too hot..."
"it burns my nose!" SUCK IT UP!!! You're going to have to trust me on this one... remember my snotty teenage daughter, you who doubt!)
8 (or 10 small) red potatoes, washed and cut into quarters
Chicken or beef broth (low sodium)
6 cloves of garlic
Fresh ground black pepper
1 tablespoon of wasabi powder
1 tablespoon of water
Place your cut up potatoes in a large pot. Pour enough broth in to cover the potatoes. Peel the garlic, no need to slice, and throw it in the pot. Cover and cook on medium high heat until the potatoes are soft. While they are cooking mix the wasabi powder with the water to form a paste (use more or less water as needed) and set it aside. When the potatoes are done, pull them and the garlic out of the broth and place in a large mixing bowl. Add about half of the broth and beat with a mixer until they are the right consistency for mashed potatoes. If you need more liquid, add more from the broth you cooked them in. Once they have been completely blended, season them with plenty of fresh ground pepper and add in the wasabi paste. Use your mixer to completely blend in the wasabi. You want it evenly distributed through the entire bowl of mashed potatoes. Believe me... a really delicious side dish!
This next recipe is a fairly new one. Some of you might remember a previous blog where I mentioned that I'd created a new side dish that would bring tears to your eyes? Well, this is it! It is amazingly delicious, pretty and festive! Best of all, if you want two helpings? Go for it!!!
Preheat your oven to roast at 375 degrees
First step is to create the sauce. In a small sauce pan mix the following ingredients:
1 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons Splenda brown sugar
2 tablespoons Splenda white sugar
1 tablespoon fresh minced garlic
1 tablespoon fresh minced ginger
(I'm lazy, I buy the fresh ginger preminced in a little jar, not powdered though!!!)
1 (or 2) teaspoons toasted sesame oil
Mix the ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer to reduce the liquid to nearly half.
Set aside the sauce while you prepare the veggies:
In a large mixing bowl place
1 medium sized bag of small, fresh carrots
1 red or sweet onion, roughly chopped
1 large (or 2 small) tart apples (like granny smith or braeburn) cored, peeled and rough cut
Stir the veggies and apple just to mix them up. Now, pour your sauce over them and stir to completely coat all of the vegetables and apple chunks.
Lightly spray oil a 9x13 cake pan. Pour the contents of your mixing bowl into the cake pan and place in the preheated oven. Roast this dish for 30 to 40 minutes. You want the tops of the veggies to be golden brown, and the carrots to be "forkably" soft. The sauce should be a lovely, caramelized glaze on the apples, carrots and onions. OMG!!! This dish is sooooo good!
Next blog... we're talking dessert! I have a confession to make... next week regarding desserts. In the mean time, and this is definitely connected to my future confession... let me know if any of you are interested in recipes for homemade ice cream! Leave a comment on this blog if you have an ice cream maker. Otherwise... I won't include those recipes... those amazing, delicious, creamy, wondrous recipes!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Holiday Survival Guide, Appetizers
So now here we all are smack in the middle of the Holiday season! I am going to devote my next few blogs to a survival guide of festive recipes that won't have you sobbing out your New Years vow to lose weight! Speaking of which, my diet has reached this terribly frustrating plateau stage. When I say plateau I mean a plain the size of the Kalahari Desert!!! I will go a month of not losing an ounce, then dribble off a few pounds only to be stuck there for another month! Honestly i have lost and gained the same two pounds about 20 times! Unfortunately that doesn't mean I get to claim a 40 pound weight loss! Mind you, I am not being as vigilant as I was in the beginning during my uber rapid loss. Frankly, I'm not going to be... at least for the time being. I am seeking out a lifestyle that is livable! Uh... there is a chance that I am living a little too large. I want to drop 5 or 10 between now and Christmas, but for the most part I will be very satisfied if I can maintain throughout the Holidays, without gaining anything! That being said, I am going to share a few recipes that help me, and could help you get through the ensuing festivities, without gaining weight and without feeling like a martyr!
Let's start with appetizers. You know those potluck type of get togethers where everyone brings chips and cookies? I know, I know, there is always the vegetable tray ensemble to munch on, but let's face it... without the ranch dip, a veggie tray is just not that festive! So following is a recipe for a dip I call "Death by Garlic!!" This is not a dip for the faint of heart! Nor is it a good alternative for anyone planning on making out after eating! However, if you are a garlic lover (as I am) and love spicy food (as I do) you will definitely dig this dip! (Yes of course the pun was intended.)
Death by Garlic!!
In a blender pour
1 cup of flax seed oil (yes I know it's godawful expensive... but so good for you!)
1 cup pasteurized egg whites
5 or 6 cloves of fresh garlic
1 tablespoon of fresh horseradish
juice from one lemon
plenty of salt free lemon pepper
Blend to the consistency of mayonnaise. Add more egg whites to thin, more oil to thicken. Refrigerate for an hour or so before serving (if you can.) I have stored mine in the refer for up to a week. Frankly it's never lasted longer than that because my teen son will actually eat it with a spoon! Fabulous as a dip, and I always serve it with my baked chicken fingers (a recipe I will share at a later date!)
Here is another appetizer recipe that we all love... Candied Jalapenos.
In a small pot, place 1 1/2 cups of water
1 1/2 cups Splenda
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder and a few drops of green food coloring.
Place on fairly high heat and bring to a boil.
Slice 5 or 6 large jalapeno pepper (leaving the seeds in them) in 1/8 inch thick rounds. Put the jalapenos into the syrup and let them boil in it for 4 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the jalapeno slices to a wax paper covered cookie sheet. Spread them out and let them cool. Turn the heat off under the syrup, but leave it where it is. In about 15 minutes, heat the syrup to a boil again and throw the jalapeno slices back in. Once again, let them bubble along for 3 or 4 minutes. Remove them again to the cookie sheet and let them cool once more. Now repeat this process two more times. Once you have dipped them four times they are lovely, sticky little gems. You also should have a little syrup left over that I have put to great use! (I've used it as part of a dipping sauce, as barbecue sauce, I even made non fat, no sugar jalapeno cheesecake ice cream with it once... and it was good!)
I have found (at a health food store but I'm sure they are in other places as well) these rice crackers that are round, cheese flavored thins that come in a boxy tube. They're terrific and have acceptable levels of fat and sodium. I smear them with a little non fat cream cheese and top them with the emerald green candied jalapenos for a fabulous and festive appetizer that is pretty damn guilt free!
Okay, those are my survival hints for appetizers. Next blog I'll share some side dish recipes that are amazing (oh... and did I say festive?)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mid week mini blog: The Leaking Coffee Pot
I went and got groceries this morning, a load of them. My kitchen did not have a spare inch of counter showing (admittedly I am not the best house keeper in the world) so where to put them was a dilemma. I decided that since it is quite cold out, that I would leave them in my car and clean up the kitchen before I brought them in.
My husband, who is madly adicted to caffeine, has a leaky coffee pot. We have argued over the damn thing because he says "we can just order an o ring and fix it." I, who have lived for three years with a one burner stove ("we can just order a new plug and fix it!") have said... "JUST BUY A NEW COFFEE POT!!!" Now, in my quest for kitchen counter space, I picked up a bag of pancake mix (my daughter suddenly wants them every morning and since I have a hard time getting her to eat, I comply) and head for the pantry with it. Just as I reach the doors the soggy, coffee dripping bottom blows out and I have a cloud of pancake mix covering me and the floor! I'm not going to lie, the f bombs were flying! I got the broom and dust pan and started sweeping up the mess. With every lift of the broom more little clouds stirred up, spreading the mess further and further. Finally I got the powder swept up, and with the broom hovering over the dust pan, got out the front door and to the trash can.
Returning to the kitchen cleaning production, I was emptying the dishwasher when it hit me. I smelled dog shit. Now we have a most beloved dog who is 15 years old and frankly quite senile. He is also incontinent. "Damn it Ranger!" I yelled and started searching for the giant pile of poo that I knew he had left for me. I looked all over the upstairs... dining room, familyroom, office... and nothing. I returned to my task and thought, "I know I smell dog shit!" Well guess what? I was packing an entire turd on the bottom of my shoe that the old boy had left on the deck, which I had now stomped all over the entire upstairs of my house!!! SHIIIITTTTT!!!!
I am going to kick my husband tonight, then I am going to take him shopping for a new damn coffee pot!
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Day in the Life of a (non)Diet

Basic Eggs for 2
4 ounces ground turkey sausage
½ cup egg whites
½ grapefruit or fresh seasonal fruit
Basic Eggs for Two
Start with ground turkey, sausage flavored. ( I use Honeysuckle White brand Breakfast Sausage, which comes in a tube. It is a little higher in fat but Holy Cow!!! Good!) Squeeze ¼ of the tube (4 oz) of turkey into a non stick skillet on high heat. Let the turkey sizzle for a minute, turn the blob over and flatten with your spatula. The slightly cooked side won’t stick to the spatula (I learned about that the hard way). Hold the sausage patty with a spoon or fork and gently use your spatula to scrape off bits of the patty to spread around the pan. What you want is ground turkey chunks, no patty, and to let it brown as you pull it apart. Once you have done that, keep turning the meat over until it is browned and cooked completely. Now pour in about ½ cup of egg whites (enough to cover the bottom of the pan.) These cook very quickly. Keep them turning until they are cooked through and mixed in with the turkey sausage. Serve with a half grapefruit or piece of fruit.
Morning Snack
Smoothies for 2
¼ cup pasteurized egg whites
½ cup non fat milk
2 tablespoons Splenda
1/2 banana (save the other half in a baggie for later!)
1 cup frozen strawberries
Place all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high until smooth. If you need more liquid add another ¼ cup of egg whites and/or a little more milk.
For Lunch
Lunch meat and rice cakes
A rather effortless meal for your lunch. You get 2 rice cakes with lunch meat piled on them and a handful of little carrots. I like the white cheddar rice cakes. They have a little more salt but the extra flavor is worth it to me. You need to find low fat low sodium lunch meat. The best lunch meat I have found, in terms of sodium, is Healthy Ones. You get eight slices of meat, four on top of each rice cake! Instead of, or with your carrots you can eat strips of green or red peppers and/or a couple of sticks of celery or a few cherry tomatoes.
Spaghetti for 2 (2 meals, so put up the leftovers!)
1 package of rice spaghetti (I like the kind with a bunny logo)
1 pound of ground, low fat turkey)
3 cans of low sodium tomato sauce (do your best to find the lowest sodium one)
½ onion (diced very fine)
1 green pepper (diced very fine)
2 or 3 jalapeno peppers (diced very fine, include a few seeds if you like things spicier!)
6 cloves of garlic (diced very fine
2 tablespoons no salt Italian seasoning
Fresh ground black pepper
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon Splenda
This meal is so easy, and only dirties one pot. Everyone who tries it, raves about it. Start with a big cooking pot. Spray the bottom with a little oil and toss in all of your diced veggies to sauté. Once the onion is translucent, or starting to brown, crumble in the ground turkey and continue to cook. When the turkey is nearly done, stir in the Italian seasoning and add some fresh ground pepper. Pour in the cans of tomato sauce, the balsamic and the Splenda. Allow the sauce to come to a boil. Now use the empty tomato sauce cans to measure the chicken broth and add two and a half cans of broth to the sauce. It should have the consistency of a thin cream soup. Break the dry spaghetti noodles in three and add them into the pot. Stir them in, until the hard noodles are covered with liquid. Allow it to boil for two minutes, stir it one more time, turn the burner off, put a lid on the pot and let it sit for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the lid and stir it real good again. Put the lid back on and wait for about 5 more minutes. Honestly, you are not going to believe how delicious this spaghetti is! I have doubled the recipe, to feed a crowd or to create extra leftovers. If you are trying to cook a big batch, try 5 cans of tomato sauce, 5 cans of chicken broth, and at least once, while the pasta is cooking, give it an extra stir so you don’t get big clumps of spaghetti stuck to each other.
If you are hungry for dessert enjoy a nice piece of seasonal fruit.
So there you go... a day in the life of a non diet! What I failed to place in the menu is some exercise time! My "workout"regime is fairly simple. I lift weights on a weight machine. I do five sets of ten repetitions, three times. When I started out I was lifting ten pounds. I am lifting 40 pounds now. I also walk a minimum of 10 minutes on the treadmill. Again, starting out I could not do even 1/4 of a mile. My top speed was 1.8 miles per hour. Now I walk about 1 mile (takes me 13 to 15 minutes) and my top speed is 4.3 miles per hour, though I am more comfortable at 4... so I go back and forth. I try to work out 5 days a week. I love water aerobics, it's the only exercise that I truly enjoy... but I've always felt that there was no way I could display my fat ass in a bathing suit in public. Sadly, now that my ass is somewhat less fat, I feel like I can't display my underarm wings publicly! Yeah... I know. My self image issues are a work in progress!
If you try the spaghetti recipe... and you certainly should!!! You had better by God let me know how fabulous it was! (In lieu of the french kiss!)